Brian Michael Bendis does the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Before I even get into the article I’m going to take a little time just to explain what ALS is. ALS is short for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis which is a motor neurone disease. It is characterised by muscle spasticity, rapidly progressive weakness due to muscle atrophy, difficulty in speaking, swallowing, and breathing. ALS is the most common of the five motor neuron diseases.

I’m all for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge but there are specific reasons why the challenge is based on covering yourself in freezing water (it matches the symptoms pretty well), and there’s a significant lack of eductation about the disease going around. Whilst I may have just copied and pasted from Wikipedia it’s more knowledge than most people who have done the Ice Bucket Challenge will have.

With that being said it’s all for a good cause and it’s a bit of harmless fun. Besides who doesn’t like seeing their heroes and other celebrities covering themselves in icy cold water (someone please nominate Scarlett Johansson…..).  Anyway, whilst we’ve yet to see Spider-Man attempting an ALS Ice Bucket Challenge we can at least see Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man writer and comic-book legend Brian Michael Bendis do one with his adorable kids.

So there we go, long may the charitable acts continue

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