Norman Osborn promises big Spider-Man news on Reddit

Reddit is a pretty decent tool for finding like-minded people who share the same interests and passions, that’s why I often visit the Spider-Man Sub-Reddit to see what people are talking about. However in my last visit on top of the cool Spidey comic book collections, the awesome fan-art and the many various dicussions was this post submitted by user N0rman0Sborn. Now here’s what it said

"“Hello ladies and germs, I am Norman Osborn, founder of Oscorp Industries!"
"Some of you may know of me as The Green Goblin.I am here to warn you! Spider-Man is planning something sinister, and I know EXACTLY what it is!I hate to be a party pooper, so I won’t spoil the surprise. I will let you guys know… when the time is right.At 12:01 On January 1st 2015 as the ball drops in Time Square I will drop a bombshell of information.Mwuahahahaha… MWWUUAAHHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!”"

As you can see despite outwardly being the ramblings of a slightly insane person taking role playing a bit too far there is potentially something big happening that will be announced just as the New Year starts. Don’t get me wrong I’m all too willing to dismiss this as the post of an attention seeker, but there’s something preventing me from doing so. There’s a lot happening behind the scenes with Spider-Man at the moment and its possible that this could be a potential whistle blower alerting us to something as yet unannounced.

The deliberate placing of the word ‘Sinister’ and the fact that the persona is supposed to be Norman Osborn, a character whose fate is pretty much up in the air despite his on-screen death in Amazing Spider-Man 2, thanks to the words of Chris Cooper and the ‘head in a box’ deleted scene that has yet to surface in an official capacity. So it’s also very minutely possible that his is a marketing stunt from Sony aimed towards promoting the Sinister Six… minutely.

However what the reveal could be is something altogether more fantastical. Thanks to some interaction with another eager roleplayer under the username THE_Batman_121 the original poster said “I’ll let you in on a little secret batboy… your friend catwoman is involved in this too.” before adding “They are partners in not-crime.” This is possibly suggesting a DC/Marvel crossover with Spider-Man appearing in Batman’s world or vice-verse and I think we all know how insane that would be.

So, Spider-Fans it’s entirely up to you how to take his bizarre post. It could actually be something but in all likelihood come New Year I imagine that nothing will happen. Still, as it is my sworn duty to report on all things Spider-Man I expect I’ll be keeping on eye on that clock as it strikes midnight and one eye on Reddit to see if some exciting news really does get released.

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