Vulture and Doc Ock teased in Sinister Six teaser video

The Sinister Six film is happening. It’s happening in 2016 and it’s the next Spider-Man film that we can look forward to. But which villains can we look forward to seeing? Well, at least two villains that we haven’t yet seen in the Amazing Spider-Man franchise have been slightly teased in the background of a teaser video promising the coming of the Sinister Six used to promote an exclusive bonus disk for Target customers.

As you can see there are small vignettes featuring Stan Lee and Marc Webb, with Lee saying “It’s so hard to come up with new villains, the Sinister Six was a name I made up and to me they were all great” and Webb saying “The special project room is where we’re setting up the Sinister Six”. And it’s this specific Marc Webb section that is definitely the most interesting.

On top of Marc Webb’s awkward pose you can see several things of interest in the background. There’s what appears to be a Vulture harness on the right hand side of the board, and on the left hand-side is what appears to be Doc Ock concept art. The fact that the Vulture and Doc Ock are on a board on a teaser video means that I would suggest it’s a pretty safe bet those two villains will be appearing.

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