Action Comics #1 On eBay Breaks Comic Book Record With Bidding Up To $2.19 Million

Remember when we told you that the amazingly well-preserved copy of Action Comics #1 now on eBay wasn’t guaranteed to become the most expensive comic book ever, but would probably get to that point? Now it has.

Friday at 6:35 pm Eastern time, someone pushed the price from an even $2.1 million to $2,193,819.38, breaking the previous comic book record price of $2.16 million. That was also held by a copy of Action Comics #1, so nothing quite gets the wallets out like the first appearance of Superman in excellent condition.

Another bid has pushed the price up by just another $100. With history now assured, the most interesting things to watch over the final 36 hours of the auction are how high the new record for most expensive comic book will go, who ends up winning it — there have been 10 bidders so far, making a total of 33 bids — and whether the auction can surpass the $3 million that current owner Darren Adams says he received for the book before deciding to auction it off.

One percent of the proceeds go to the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, so unless my math is rustier than I think, there’s already almost $22,000 going to help find cures for spinal injuries. It would be nice to see that number rise as well.