Guardians Of The Galaxy Fans Finally Get Their First Dancing Groot Toy

You know how comic book covers used to say, “Because you demanded it!” The clamor for some kind of dancing Groot toy has been like that since the recuperating member of the Guardians of the Galaxy grooved his way into so many hearts right at the end of the movie. Now, finally, we’re getting one — though I’m guessing lots of fans will still want another one.

Here’s Ryan Penagos, Marvel’s “Agent M,” tweeting out the news:

Funko’s POP! bobbleheads and vinyl figures are great, and I’ve got several of them in my own collection. Plus since he’s a bobblehead, Groot could be made to look like he’s getting down if you tap him.

No word on when it will be available, but this should satisfy the demand for a while. Still, I don’t think I’m alone in predicting we’ll see another dancing Groot, one that actually dances. The technology has been around for decades, so my guess is that Marvel didn’t expect there would be so much demand for one.

Watch this again and tell me how that could possibly have happened!

(via CBR’s Robot 6)