Coincidence? Howard The Duck Getting Funko Bobblehead Too

The question posed in this post title is rhetorical. It’s obviously no concidence that Howard the Duck is getting his own POP! vinyl bobblehead. It’s not like Funko just randomly called Marvel up and said, “We were watching tha old Howard the Duck movie, and we really think he’d make a swell bobblehead!”

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No, this is certainly due to the fact that Howard was featured in the post-credits scene in Guardians of the Galaxy, and it should do fun things to those people who actually believe we might see a 21st Century Howard movie as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase Four or something. As CBR’s Robot 6 deduces, it’s most likely a sign that even more GotG bobbleheads, besides the recently revealed dancing Groot, are on the way. I demand a Ronan the Accuser if that’s happening. Also Cosmo.

Even if he never makes it to the big screen again, his brief cameo in the year’s biggest movie at least got him back to the point where people would actually want to buy a vinyl figure of him, and for that, Howard the Duck should be thankful.