Just to keep the anticipation levels high for the premiere of The Flash, The CW released this sharp new poster today:
That Barry Allen is kind of a show-off, seeing as there doesn’t appear to be any reason for him to have to zig-zag like that except that he wanted to leave a trail in the shape of the Flash logo. The image is full of Easter eggs for fans of the universe shared by Arrow and The Flash too: one of the skyscrapers in the background sports the Queen Consolidated logo (in green!), Ted Kord, a.k.a. Blue Beetle, has his company’s logo on another building, and S.T.A.R. Labs has a building on this street as well. Plus Central City has at least one Big Belly Burger franchise, and someone has scribbled “Grodd Lives” on the sidewalk in the bottom-right corner. And those are just the ones that jumped right out at me.
Good stuff. Here’s where I would usually promote when The Flash debuts, but that’s on the poster too. Thanks CW!