Iron Man 2 actor Mickey Rourke recently conducted an interview on Late Night With Seth Meyers to talk about Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez’ Sin City sequel, Sin City: A Dame To Kill For. During the interview Mickey Rourke revealed that he didn’t hold Marvel in a particularly high regard, and didn’t even know what DC was. So it probably goes without saying that he isn’t a Spider-Fan
Rourke is clearly sour on his work for Iron Man 2 as the film’s villain Ivan Vanko AKA Whiplash. The character was an eccentric revenge filled combination of popular Iron Man villain Whiplash with pieces of the Crimson Dynamo thrown in for funsies. Rourke gave a superb performance but did seem to be hampered by ‘creative editing’ that left his role in the film feeling slightly empty. Let’s take a look at the interview.
Thank god he didn’t do a Spider-Man film hey, just ask Shailene Woodley.
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