Guardians of the Galaxy was touted as a huge risk for Marvel because it was a film centred around characters that were relatively unknown to those outside the immediate comic book fandom, however it has proved to be a rip-roaring success. Amazing Spider-Man 2 remains one of the biggest grossing films at this year’s box office despite falling slightly short of expectations, which means that we’ll be getting several spin-offs including a Venom spin-off, which is currently sporting the title Venom Carnage.
With that in mind a combination of the two successful films based on the recently announced ‘Planet of the Symbiotes’ three-issue story arc for the Guardians of the Galaxy comic will surely be one of the biggest films ever in existence. Imagine Groot and Rocket smashing their way through a horde of symbiotes with Flash Thompson’s Agent Venom in tow, and possibly even Tony Stark’s Iron-Man.
‘But’ I hear you all saying, ‘Aren’t the Guardians of the Galaxy owned by Marvel, and isn’t Agent Venom owned by Sony, which means that they can never appear in the same film’. And yes you’d be right folks, it’s the same reason why Spider-Man can’t possibly appear in the Avengers. Basically it’s never going to happen, Brian Michael Bendis said as much.
“At least for now, the legality of copyright and trademark would make certain storylines impossible in the movies,” Bendis told MTV News, the outlet that broke this news. “I like doing it for the comics!”
You see different movie studios, this is why we can’t have nice things
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