Iron Man Takes The Blame In Second Avengers & X-Men: AXIS Promo Image

“This is your fault, Stark!”

Yep, it’s great to see Iron Man cementing his place as one of the top heels in the Marvel Universe — and that’s said in full sarcasm mode and with appropriate bitterness by a guy whose favorite Marvel hero growing up was the Armored Avenger. Tony Stark has obviously been pretty heroic in the Marvel movies, but it’s been a different story in the comics over the last decade or so. He was on the less sympathetic side of Civil War, helping to clone Thor and build the creepy Negative Zone prison, and his actions with the Illuminati look like they will be responsible for an all-out war with the Avengers next spring.

In-between now and then, there’s this little Avengers & X-Men: AXIS thing that’s about to go down, and as we can see in this new promo image, Tony is taking the blame for something. And it’s probably deserved, seeing as he’s about to switch into Superior Iron Man mode this fall and embrace his self-centered side again. I’m also pretty sure he’s not supposed to be drinking, as that’s proven to be pretty bad for him in the past.

We’ll get to see exactly what turns out to be Stark’s fault when AXIS kicks off on October 8.