Third season of Ultimate Spider-Man to hit US with a double episode

Being situated in the United Kingdom I’ve already seen eight episodes of Disney XD’s Ultimate Spider-Man: Web Warriors, the third season of Disney’s premiere Spider-Man cartoon. However for those in the United States the wait has been fairly agonising but it’s now almost over as Ultimate Spider-Man season three will be airing on August 31st.

However American viewers won’t just be treated to one episode, they will be getting a double whammy as the first two episodes of the season are set to air back to back in what is going to be one full hour of animated Spider-Man goodness. It’s almost as if the powers that be are apologising for making everyone in America wait! But what can US citizens expect from this entertaining hour?

Well, obviously Spider-Man is back and judging from the title of the two-part opening episode so are the Avengers as the superhero super team finally lets Spider-Man into their ranks just in time for Doctor Octopus and Loki to get up to some freaky friday shenanigans. If that’s not enough of a teaser for you US folks then you can read my review of Avenging Spider-Man: Part One and Avenging Spider-Man: Part Two, but be warned there-be spoilers ahead.

So strap in your seat-belts folks, there’s two more days left!

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