Behind the scenes clip of the clock tower battle from Amazing Spider-Man 2

Here’s another behind the scenes clip from Amazing Spider-Man 2. This time focussing on the filming of the movie’s thrilling climax that takes place within that ill-fated clock tower. The video shows Dane DeHaan talking about the intense heat of being in a small, confined space whilst wearing a heavy and hot Green Goblin suit and having to deal with the heat whilst giving 100% in his attempts to ‘kill Spider-Man’. If you take nothing else away from this video, you’ll see that sometimes being in a mega-superhero-blockbuster can at times be hard!

If any more behind the scenes clips show up I’ll be sure to let you guys know. Until then here’s a behind the scenes look at Paul Giamatti as Rhino,  a video exploring the SFX of the film, and another behind the scenes clip from the Amazing Spider-Man 2 DVD and Blu-Ray.

Whatever a Spider Can is currently hosting an Amazing Spider-Man 2 giveaway competition. Just click the link and follow the instructions to be in with a chance of winning one of three Amazing Spider-Man 2 DVD or Blu-Rays

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