Negative reaction to Amazing Spider-Man films hasn’t hurt comic sales

As an avid Spider-Man one of the things that often keeps me up at night is how all of the fairly harsh criticism is affecting the neighbourhood friendly Spider-Man. Not only did Amazing Spider-Man 2 becoming the lowest grossing Spider-Man film ever put the future of Sony’s titular franchise in doubt, but I’m also worried that the dismal 53% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes will have a negative knock-on effect on other Spidey properties.

However thanks to Marvel executive Tom Brevoort’s Tumblr it turns out that I needn’t have worried because, as DigitalSpy reports, people needn’t worry about the effect all of the nasty people’s nasty comments have had on things like the Spider-Man video games and Spider-Man comics because the comic book sales at least have remained un-hurt by it all.

Brevoort went on to say “No, the performance of the films hasn’t had any negative effect on the sales of the comics, and apart from that, all of those films did business – just not as much business as the folks making them might have liked in some cases.” So it’s time to depart from the panic stations, it’s time to finally sleep easily tonight, everything is a-okay.

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