Japanese Batman Speaks, Is Out To Make People Smile, Not Fight Crime

Bruce Wayne doesn’t usually talk to the media about his motivations for suiting up as Batman. Japan’s Chibatman, though? It turns out he’s a little more open to talking about why he dons the cape and cowl.

We told you about the Japanese Batman spotted in Chiba Prefecture about a week ago, but the newspeople at the BBC actually went out and got an interview with him. Chibatman is a 41-year old welder, and he doesn’t dress like the Dark Knight to strike fear into the hearts of criminals. It’s actually the opposite: he does it to cheer people up.

"As for my reasons, during the great earthquake, people forgot how to smile. I wanted to help bring the smile back, and that’s why I started."

CBR’s Robot 6 reports that he built his “Chibatpod” three-wheeled vehicle himself. We’re guessing those welding skills probably came in handy for that project.

You can hear from Chibatman himself in the BBC clip below. And Bruce, if you’re watching, make this guy a part of Batman Incorporated. He’s doing some good work, it’s just a different kind than you do.