Throughout the day we’ve seen a lot of condemnation from those unfortunate celebs that have had private and personal nude pictures of themselves leaked on the internet. The reaction has ranged from flat out denial, proving they’re fakes, outrage, threatening legal action and bitter resignation. So when Kirsten Dunst posted her reaction to nude photos of her being leaked, where did she range in that scale?
Well, actually Dunst’s reaction was more of a resigned joke by calling iCloud a ‘pizza poo’ rather than anger or outrage as evidenced by this very neatly and very expertly placed screenshot of her tweet. Even if I do say so myself. (For some reason embedding was playing up..)
Whilst it’s easy to brush Kirsten’s reaction off as a breath of fresh air or praise her ‘don’t-care’ attitude that would imply that the other reactions aren’t justifiable. I know I’d be mad as hell as nude photos of me leaked online. However I do feel that it would’ve been fairly nonsensical for Kirsten to get as angry as others over her specific photos because they literally weren’t anything more than we haven’t already seen in a handful of her movies. So as far as things go for Kirsten it shouldn’t be that big of a deal.
(Please note I’m not in any way trivializing what’s happened to her, just merely using logic to point out that for Kirsten, at least, her photos were no worse than her nude appearance in Melancholia so therefore they aren’t as bad in the grand scheme of things)
Anyway, I’m going to get a pint at the Winchester and wait for all of this to blow over
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