Greetings Batman fans, I’ve got a bizarre Batman story to share with you, all the way from Australia! The Sydney Morning Herald has a report on a trio of 23 year old men arrested in a case of potentially deadly blue ecstasy pills stamped with a ‘Batman’ logo. Here’s an excerpt from the Herald’s article:
"photo of thee deadly ‘Batman’ ecstasy pills, photo courtesy of The Sydney Morning HeraldThey appeared to be three normal northern beaches mates who liked to ski together and party hard.But police believe the trio of 23-year-old school friends are behind the spread of one of the most potent and potentially deadly batches of ecstasy pills the state has seen.A warning was issued in August after police detected a batch of blue pills stamped with a Batman logo and spiked with the deadly 25c-NBOMe, a synthetic LSD-like substance linked to the deaths of several young people, including north shore teenager Henry Kwan."
Read the full story form The Sydney Morning Herald, written by Rachel Olding, here.
Batman has always stood for justice, and yes vengeance, but to me it’s an outrage that the Batman logo, a symbol of all that is good would be stamped on a drug like ecstasy. I am glad these three have been caught and with any luck the police in Sydney will round up everyone responsible for this. I would hate to have to report on several deaths caused by these ‘blue Batman’ pills.
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