Pre-order the entire Spider-Verse for just $22 on Amazon

I just want to get this out of the way now, I have not been paid by Amazon to post this, nor have I even been in contact with Amazon. It’s just that this is an incredible deal and I think that all Spider-Fans should know about it, especially if they plan on following Dan Slott’s mega Spider-Man event that’s coming this Autumn – The Spider-Verse.

That’s because Amazon have listed a trade, collecting every issue and tie-in issue for the Spider-Verse event in one handy, easily readable book for just $22.26. That means that every issue of Amazing Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2099, Edge of Spider-Verse, Scarlet Spiders, Spider-Verse Team-Up, Spider-Woman, Superior Spider-Man and anything else that is relevant to the Spider-Verse (like the five pages from the Guardians of the Galaxy free comic book day) will be available for just $22.26, that’s over 70% off.

Here’s the blurb.

"Someone is working their way through the multiverse, leaving a trail of dead spiders in their wake! As the Superior Spider-Man faces this foe in the future, MC2’s Spider-Girl finds herself under attack! From 1602 to the era of Noir, from a spider-powered Gwen Stacy to the world-famous Spider-Ham, spider-themed heroes everywhere, in every world, begin to falter and fall. How can “our” Spider-Man possibly hope to survive against this unstoppable interdimensional onslaught? Guest-starring every Spider-Man ever…and then some! Spider-UK, Sp//dr, Scarlet Spiders, Spider-Woman, Spider-Man 2099…can any of them survive the arrival of Morlun? COLLECTING: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 7-15, SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN 32-33, FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2014 (GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY) 1 (5 PAGE SPIDER-MAN STORY), SPIDER-VERSE 1, SPIDER-VERSE TEAM-UP 1-3, EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE 1-4, SCARLET SPIDERS 1-3, SPIDER-WOMAN"

I’ve already ordered myself a copy, even though I’ll be collecting the individual issues! But if you’re thinking about, or have already decided to follow the Spider-Verse then this will be a cheap low-cost way to do it. So head over to Amazon now to pick up a copy!

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