How rare are the Spider-Men in Spider-Man Unlimited?

We’ve already seen fourteen Spider-Men announced, the first eleven in one go, and then another three afterwards. But, ever the completionist, I thought that maybe you guys would like a full complete list, so that you only need to click on one link instead of two. After all, how annoying is clicking on two links, am I right?

Well luckily for me my sister site Bam Smack Pow has compiled a nice little list for you guys so that I don’t have to. They really are good folks over there, if you like comic books, you should check them out.

  • Spider-Man (Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic)
  • The Bombastic Bag-Man (Common)
  • House of M Spider-Man (Common)
  • Mangaverse Spider-Man (Common)
  • Secret War Spider-Man (Common)
  • Last Stand Spider-Man (Uncommon)
  • Spider-Man Noir (Uncommon)
  • Spider-Armor (Uncommon, Rare)
  • Battle-Damaged Spider-Man (Uncommon, Rare)
  • Cosmic Spider-Man (Rare)
  • Spider-Man (Ben Reilly) (Rare, Epic)
  • Bulletproof Spider-Man (Rare, Epic)
  • Scarlet Spider (Ben Reilly) (Rare, Epic)
  • Scarlet Spider (Epic)

Now I suppose you’re wondering what the rarity levels next to the different Spider-Men mean? Well, in Spider-Man Unlimited you collect Spider-Man cards by spending in-game earned currency the cards you get depend on the rarity. For example, I have three Mangaverse Spider-Men.  Here’s an explanation from Bam Smack Pow.

"Spider-Men come in different rarity levels just like any mobile game with a card collecting element — Common, Uncommon, Rare and Epic, with star values that go from three to six stars along the way. Rarity also determines the maximum level that Spider-Man can reach, going from 30 for Common versions to 90 for Epic. that’s important, since you need one of a certain level to take on most of the story mode missions that involve a boss fight."

So there we go. Thanks Bam Smack Pow!

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