One of the biggest questions surrounding the Sinister Six spin-off movie is quite simply – Will Spider-Man be in it? Don’t get me wrong I know they’re going for a villain-centric movie, but surely the origin story of the Sinister Six cannot happen with Spider-Man being intrinsically involved, and what could the six bad guys get up to that would mean Spidey himself would stay away. Basically there are so many questions about this one issue, so perhaps Andrew Garfield can help?
Well it turns out that the star of the franchise, Spider-Man himself, can help us! Which is spectacular, no, it’s fantastic … No, it’s Amazing! But what can Andrew tell us about the Sinister Six film and more specifically about his involvement in Drew Goddard’s bonanza of Spider-Man villains? Well, let’s look at an interview he did for the Toronto Sun to find out!
When asked about the Sinister Six film Andrew Garfield spoke of his excitement towards the project, mainly because Drew Goddard is a great director, having specifically been impressed by Goddard’s pretty decent cult-horror flick ‘Cabin in the Woods’.
"“I can say I’m really excited about Drew Goddard, who’s going to be writing and directing The Sinister Six movie.” and in a separate statement “But Drew is really exciting. Did you see Cabin in the Woods? Did you like it?”"
I mean that’s all really quite great Andrew, but will you be in the film? Will Spider-Man be in the film. Tell us Andrew, Tell us! Despite all of my shouting and all of the Toronto Sun’s nudging I think it’s fairly obvious that Andrew didn’t crack and give in, instead he kept everything secret with comments like the following.
"“Whether I’m involved in that or not is kind of immaterial,” “I don’t know if I should say anything right now.” and “Exactly. Hence, me not telling you s— about that.”"
So to answer the question – Will Spider-Man be in the Sinister Six movie? The answer is still currently – We don’t know. Great.
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