The CW released a whole slew of still shots from the Arrow Season 3 premiere, which is titled “The Calm.” And while a bunch of them were of Arrow brooding and Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak together, I figured I’d focus on the most interesting ones of the bunch. Namely, the ones featuring Roy Harper in action as Arsenal and the return of the Canary.
Okay, so technically Roy isn’t really “in action” in these shots, as that would imply he’s firing a bow or otherwise putting the hurt on some bad guys, but you get the idea. And will Oliver be happy to see Sara Lance come back to town?
Other shots in the bunch showed Brandon Routh as Ray Palmer, the new boss at Queen Consolidated and the man who would be the Atom. We’ll get to see all of these scenes and more in the Season 3 debut of Arrow, which airs October 8 on The CW.