Humble Valiant Bundle: Pay What You Want, Support Charity

Most people know Humble Bundle for its great deals on computer games, but you shouldn’t sleep on the digital comics deals it promotes either.

Case in point: the Humble Valiant Bundle that is underway right now. As with other Humble Bundle deals, the selling point is that you get to name the price you’re willing to pay for more than 120 issues of Valiant comics. Paying any amount will get you in the door to receive:

  • Unity Vol. 1 & 2
  • Quantum & Woody Vol. 1 & 2
  • Harbinger Vol. 1 & 2
  • X-O Manowar Vol. 1 & 2
  • Archer & Armstrong Vol. 1 & 2

You’ll also get a Steam key for the classic PC game Shadowman. Pay more than the average (currently $9.59), and you’ll unlock the next tier, adding these comics to the bundle:

  • Rai #1-4
  • Shadowman Vol. 1 & 2
  • Eternal Warrior Vol. 1 & 2
  • Harbinger Wars Vol. 1
  • Bloodshot Vol. 1 & 2

Plus there are more comics on the way for this tier. Finally, paying at least $15 unlocks the final tier, which includes more than 40 additional issues from the Valiant Masters collections.

That’s a lot of Valiant, served to you in multiple file formats so you can read them on darn near any device. Plus you get to decide where your money goes, splitting the money between Valiant and charities like Doctors Without Borders and the Hero Initiative as you see fit. Valiant is even giving away a single free issue every day, so there’s really no reason not to check it out before it expires on October 1. In fact, just let the people running the deal explain it:

(via Comics Alliance)