Arrow: Does Anyone NOT Think Laurel Lance Ends Up As Black Canary?

I mean, seriously. We already know Laurel Lance is going to be playing a more active role on Arrow in Season 3. We’ve seen her using a sword in the preview clips, and we know Ted “Wildcat” Grant is on the way, presumably to teach her to fight.

Her sister Sara, the current Canary, has a bit of a death wish at times. Plus the comic book Dinah Laurel Lance is Black Canary, so … it just makes sense that she’d end up in that role on TV at some point.

To top it all off, showrunner Marc Guggenheim had to go and tweet this yesterday:

DC Comics fans will recognize that as Dinah Lance’s flower shop in Seattle. Both she and Green Arrow lived in apartments above it.

TV’s Laurel has her own career already, but maybe Sara needs a day job (though she doesn’t seem the flower-tending type).  Unreality TV points out that some of the Season 3 trailers have Oliver and Laurel discussing going into business together, so maybe this is the result of that conversation.

In any case, I expect something is going to happen this season. Either Sara is killed off and Laurel trains to take her place, perhaps actually calling herself Black Canary as a grieving thing and wearing a blonde wig as a tribute (or, you know, to help keep that pesky secret identity a secret). Poor Quentin Lance will be heartbroken, but the writers seem to love sticking it to that guy anyway.

If there’s a twist, maybe it’s Laurel that dies and Sara officially becomes Black Canary to seek vengeance, but that seems like sending her down a road we’ve already seen her on, and therefore not as interesting. I just know I’ll be surprised if nothing happens on the Canary front all season, because the people behind Arrow sure are teasing something pretty hard.