There’s A Petition To Build A Statue Of Wolverine In Edmonton

So apparently some people are taking this whole Death of Wolverine thing pretty hard.

Either that or it’s just awfully coincidental timing that there’s a petition on right now asking for a life-size Wolverine statue in Edmonton’s City Hall. There’s no mention of Logan’s impending death, but that has to be what motivated this, right?

The person who started the petition, Jesse Seitz, reasons that since Wolverine is not just Canadian, but “an Albertan too,” a statue in his honor would help out in multiple ways:

"I think it would make a lot of people really proud to live in Edmonton and raise morale to erect a life size statue of this character in City Hall, or even perhaps Churchill Square or the Alberta Legislature Grounds. It would also become an interesting tourist attraction for comic book fans visiting our city."

Appealing to the politicians and businessmen by playing up the tourism angle = smart.

The petition needs to get 100,000 signatures and is only at 161 at the time of this post. However, we saw it thanks to CBR’s Robot 6, and it only had 66 backers when they posted, so … Do I see a movement going on here?