This Is What 542 People Dressed Like Batman In One Place Looks Like

Forget Batman Incorporated. This is like Batman Society, or maybe Batman World.

I’m talking about Nexen, a company in Calgary (… Alberta, Canada — props to Lance Storm!). By dressing all 542 of its employees in Batman costumes, Nexen was able to smash the old Guinness Book of World Records mark for “Largest Gathering of People Dressed as Batman,” more than doubling it in the process.

Did crime come to a complete halt in Calgary yesterday as a result? We can only hope. Alas, the Batmen decided that the first order of business was to dance to “YMCA,” something that would have brought an immediate facepalm from Bruce Wayne. Also, as CBR’s Robot 6 was quick to point out, it was a badly missed opportunity for 500-plus people to do the Batusi.

Between Nexen (which sounds like an evil comic book corporation, by the way) and Chibatman, the Dark Knight is being used for smiles more than scares these days. But that’s okay. We know the pendulum always swings back and forth between gritty and lighthearted for Batman, so I’m sure someone in the real world will restore him to the shadows soon enough.