The Icons Super Hero RPG Sounds Amazing

When I was younger, my love of tabletop role-playing games was a really close second to my love of comic books. I played everything you’d expect — D&D, GURPS, etc. — and a lot of more obscure games to boot. When my brother and I discovered super hero RPGs, we tried them all: Champions, DC Heroes, the Marvel RPG, you name it.

As much as it would be to play in one today, there’s no way I’d have enough time. But if I did, I’d seriously consider trying Icons, which just got a really nice write-up on i09. Designed by Steve Kenson of Mutants & Masterminds fame, Icons is intended to be the exact opposite of RPGs that have rules and charts for everything. Using just two six-sided dice and a mechanic called Determination Points, players have a ton of flexibility in what they want their heroes to attempt.

It’s also intended as a game where people can roll up a character in about 15 minutes and be ready to go. And it features a lighter tone that i09 compares to Saturday morning super hero cartoons, which is also inviting.

Check out the whole interview with Kenson for more on the thought process that went into Icons. When you’re ready to give it a shot, the Assembled Edition is out there at online retailers like DriveThruRPG for under $20.

If you get a campaign going and it’s as fun as it sounds, be sure to give me a shout so I can wallow in my jealousy.