Arrow Vs. The Flash? New Images Make It Look That Way

And here we thought Oliver Queen and Barry Allen were all set to be buddies. After all, they’re already on friendly terms from Barry’s appearances in Season 2 of Arrow, and trailer for The Flash show Allen getting an inspirational pep talk from the Starling City archer.

Yet we all know how super heroes end up throwing down almost as often as they team up, regardless of whether mind control or a good old-fashioned misunderstanding is involved. Wouldn’t you know it, reports that the crossover we’ve already learned is coming is expected to be titled “Arrow vs. Flash,” and this pic from Just Jared backs that up by showing the stunt doubles for both heroes walking through some fight choreography:

Meanwhile, the site has also gotten into the act, grabbing images of Stephen Amell and Grant Gustin appearing to be on less than friendly terms. Or at least I don’t say hi by pointing an arrow at someone’s back:

Maybe it’s a fight over the heart of Felicity Smoak. Just kidding. In any case, it looks like we’ll have more to look forward to than the two heroes simply trading quips while they beat up bad guys. The new seasons for both Arrow and The Flash kick off the week of October 6.
