Want To Write About All Things Spider-Man? We Want To Hear From You At Whatever A Spider Can!

If you enjoy what you’ve read here at Whatever a Spider Can, we’ve got some exciting news for you — you can be part of the team here too!

We’re looking to add several staff writers right now to make our coverage of all things Spider-Man even more extensive. These unpaid positions require only five posts a month (though more are certainly welcome!) and offer great opportunities to get your foot in the door of pop culture blogging and journalism while writing about any part of the Spider-Man fan experience your heart desires. Your words will be read by our constantly growing audience on this site and throughout the FanSided network and give you the chance to connect with like-minded fans everywhere.

Some blogging or online writing experience is great, but if you have the passion for Spider-Man and the commitment, we’re willing to work with you even if you’ve never done anything like this before. Applying is simple – just fill in the form you’ll find here and tell us why you want to write for Whatever a Spider Can. We look forward to hearing from you!