Writers: Brian Azzarello, Keith Giffen, Dan Jurgens, Jeff Lemire, Ryan Sook
Artists: Aaron Lopresti, Patrick Zircher, Art Thibert, Hi-Fi, Ryan Sook
Futures End #22 Recap
At Columbia University, Dr. Yamazake had accelerated his timetable in completing the experimental transporter. In Las Vegas, Mercy, Voodoo, Banger, and Mash are tested in a heist by an unknown observer. In New York City, Plastique volunteers to help Terry McGinnis on his mission due to her fears of ultimately becoming one of Brother Eye’s cyborgs. Somewhere in deep space, a giant Brainiac welcomes Frankenstein, Amethyst, and Hawkman to the Blood Moon. At that moment, Black Adam flies in to rescue them.
Spoiler-Free Reaction
An issue that starts quickly, but experiences some lulls in the middle. All of this is remedied with a shocking ending.
Plot Details and Spoilers and Deaths: Oh My!
Deep Space in the Huron System: The Atom and Black Adam have come to rescue Frankenstein, Hawkman, and Amethyst. Apparently, the Atom has made a deal with Black Adam — help him fight Brainiac and he will bring Black Adam back to Earth. The Atom also seems to have returned to his normal self. Brainiac has taken an interest in keeping the team, but Black Adam “Shazam’s” the hell out of him. This allows the team to retrieve the Engineer and escape via the Nan-Knight, but Brainiac sends his drones after them.
Central Park, New York City: As Madison Payne jogs, she recollects her fight with Tim Drake over his hiding of his real identity. Thinking that a person following her is an assailant, Madison takes him down. It’s discovered to be Ronnie Raymond, who’s actually trying to apologize to her. The conversation ends with Madison accepting a cup of coffee with Ronnie. In the distance, Tim watches the two walk away.
Las Vegas, Nevada: Mercy, Voodoo, Banger, and Mash meet with Frank Rock — who’s revealed to be under the employ of King Faraday. Rock, after seeing their successful battle against his operatives, wants to send the girls on a mission to take out Fifty Sue. Mercy, Voodoo, Banger, and Mash reject the mission, but it doesn’t matter. Rock has already alerted Fifty Sue to their location.
Thrity-Five Years from Now, Manhattan: Brother Eye reveals his plans to Mr. Terrific. In a bid to battle the agent that Batman sent back in time (Batman Beyond), Brother Eye presents to Mr. Terrific an agent of his own creation — a monstrous cyborg that contains the fused heads of Batman and the Joker.
Wrapping It Up
Futures End #23 continues the battle with the monstrous Brainiac we saw in #22. With a fast-paced, strong start, we’re treated to an Atom who seems to be back to sanity. I think Madison’s recollection of the fight between her and Tim could’ve been concluded a lot quicker, as to avoid a drawn out flashback scene. I’m also glad to see Ronnie start to make some amends and stop acting like an angst-ridden teen. The biggest treat for this issue was the end, as we finally get to see the result of why Brother Eye had the Joker removed from his cell. The inevitable confrontation between Batman Beyond and Brother Eye’s abomination will be interesting.