Five DC Villains We Want To See In Suicide Squad

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1. Deadshot

No character benefited as much from being on the Suicide Squad as Floyd Lawton. Formerly a Batman villain with some interesting mental quirks who was stuck in the shadow cast by the Joker and the Dark Knight’s more colorful foes, Deadshot became one of the really vital members of the Squad for many years.

He fills the badass quotient since he never misses what he shoots at, and it would be easy to come up with a movie costume that amps up his cool factor from visuals alone. Deadshot would also serve as a counterpoint to the more unruly villains, as he really doesn’t care as much about who he’s ordered to take out — or more importantly, why he’s being told to do it.

Since Lawton has a special kind of death wish, wanting to go out with a bang, he’d also right in the thick of what are sure to be some spectacular action sequences in the movie. You want guns and explosions, this is your guy, and the fact that he’s not all right in the head just makes him more compelling. We’d be absolutely shocked if the Suicide Squad script doesn’t include Deadshot.