All Of The Marvel Comics Summer 2015 Event Teasers So Far

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Inhumans: Attilan Rising

This teaser stands out in two very distinct ways. First and foremost, it’s not the name of a story that’s already been done, but something brand new. Second, it looks like a series that could take place in the mainstream Marvel Universe not that long from now, as the female Thor and Superior Iron Man are front and center.

Attilan is the name of the Inhumans’ historic home base, though the Royal Family has had to create a new city in recent comics. The fact that Medusa is stepping on Cyclops’ head sure makes it look like the Inhumans are the antagonists here, and it’s interesting to see Black Bolt back in the fold since he is on the outs with his own people and the Illuminati as of Avengers #37 — which is set in the future, though not as far in the future as Summer 2015.

This is starting to make my head hurt.

Next: This is The End, my only friend