Rumor: All DC Comics Storylines To Wrap Up By Next April


Note that I didn’t say all DC Comics series are ending, though that could happen as well.

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Over at Bleeding Cool, Rich Johnston and company have been tracking several related stories for quite a while that have to do with a real world event: namely, the DC Comics editorial staff packing up and moving from New York to Burbank. The move is going to cause an unavoidable disruption in DC’s publishing plans, and all signs hand been hinting at a two-month-long event to cover the time involved — something Bleeding Cool has named “the Band-Aid,” complete with its own catchy graphic.

Now sources are telling the site that because of the move/event, all writers are being told to wrap up their storylines by April. That makes sense for logistical reasons as well as creative ones, but it’s interesting to hear phrased as succinctly as that.

Johnson’s sources aren’t always right, but they’re correct often enough to make the big comic book publishers nervous at times, so don’t be surprised if this actually turns out to be the case. Now what might happen coming out of the Band-Aid is an entirely different story, with fans and industry watchers guessing everything from a return to pre-New 52 continuity to another Flashpoint-esque semi-reboot to business as usual, but with an excuse to do a whole new wave of #1 issues. My personal feeling is that I just named the three options in increasing probability of what might actually happen, but who knows? That’s what makes speculation so much fun!

Until we know for sure, here’s hoping for a strong run from your favorite DC books over the next five months.

(via Bleeding Cool, obviously)