So a lot of good news came this week for Marvel fans and a bit of comedy to follow along with it. The Avengers: Age Of Ultron trailer was leaked, along with some stills. The comedy of it was Marvel found out and blamed it on Hydra with a tweet stating (as seen below) ‘Dammit, Hydra.’ Eventually they gave in, and instead of waiting until next week to show the worldwide premiere trailer, they gave it to us a week early! There are a lot of things that should be touched on that were seen in the trailer that seem to be interesting twists in the story. First off, you’ll need to see the trailer if you haven’t already.
So if by now you have watched the trailer (which I hope you did), the first thing you will notice is that just like Marvel did with the first couple of Guardians Of The Galaxy trailers hiding Rocket Raccoon’s voice, they didn’t give us anything with the Vision yet. However we did see some Hulkbuster armor in action, which was definitely one of the main goodies from the piñata. We also see that Bruce Banner is in a straightjacket and that he and Iron Man are about to face-off. This could lead to anything but makes us wonder what is going on.
Going through a bit more of a recap, the trailer shows us a classic comic book-like beginning: a city in trouble, people running with faces of terror, people screaming and rioting which then leads us to our hero, Iron M— WAIT… WHAT?! No people! It’s not Iron Man, nor is it your average normal everyday friendly Stark robot like J.A.R.V.I.S. Instead, this is my favorite Avengers villain of all time since the day I picked up my first Avengers comic as a young boy: Ultron! I can already see the point that this film is getting at, or at least what impression the trailer left on me.
We need to go back in time to the 1968 issue featuring the villain’s first appearance, when readers were shocked to find out that our Ant-Man, Hank Pym, was the creator of the robot. He intended it to be a friendly, helping robot, but it soon started to develop its own thoughts and rebel with his hatred towards his “Father,” which was Hank. Eventually, Ultron made a weapon he could use against the Avengers. That weapon would soon become the famous Avenger we all know as the Vision. As far as the trailer goes, my theory is that this is quite off from the comics origin.
My theory on the Age of Ultron trailer is this: (WARNING: some spoilers if you have not seen Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, or Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.): After the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Hydra uprising, Nick Fury disappears, leaving Phil Coulson as director, Stark enforcing the “Clean Slate protocol,” Thor “taking a break” from protecting the realms and Captain America still trying to learn about his friend Bucky and what he missed while he was frozen. The Avengers are assembled as a new threat has risen: Ultron, a robot whose intelligence is that of an old project Tony Stark scrapped with the Clean Slate protocol that didn’t erase the robot’s memory completely. Ultron develops a hatred towards his father (Tony) and starts to grow a hatred for the whole human race, deciding to build an army to stop the Avengers and take over the world (queue evil laughter!).
Definitely a bit off-track from the comics, but thats not necessarily such a bad thing. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has pulled off a few things that never happened before in the comics and made then work fine. I really enjoyed this trailer a lot, especially how dark the movie got since the last Avengers. Hence the title of my article “The Dark Ultron Rises,” due to the fact that the trailer shows us glimpses like Captain America’s cracked shield, the city in trouble, the scared looks of the Avengers themselves, and Ultron’s speech, voice, and look. It’s just the perfect mix for an intimidating trailer that shows Marvel comic readers the Ultron we have been longing for, making it seem that not everything in Marvel is just a light, smiley, happy go lucky storyline — something I predicted the moment I saw Ultron’s name slapped on the title when Marvel first announced it. This could be Marvel’s darkest movie to date, as when you watch the trailer, it gives you a bit of a Dark Knight feel.
Anyway, through destruction, darkness, chaos, and more, this trailer is every comic nerd’s dream, giving us a good early taste of what’s in store for May and having everyone look forward to different things, whether it’s seeing that Hulkbuster armor in action, seeing more Ultron, Hulk smash, the Vision, Thor coming back, Hawkeye and Black Widow, etc. In my case, all of those and much more! It’s going to be a long wait until May, but for now I have Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and in January, Agent Carter to hold me over until then.
Are you excited for Age of Ultron? If so, what are you excited for and who/what would you like to see for a cameo or a post-credit scene? How do you feel about what we’ve seen? I would love to hear from other fans below!