Ultron 101: Five Things You Need To Know About The Robotic Avengers Villain

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Ultron has the itch to create for himself

More than one of Ultron’s plots over the years have revolved around him creating a robot, sometimes as a weapon, sometimes as a potential mate, and occasionally as both. The Vision, Jocasta and Alkhema were all creations of Ultron, and while all of them ironically end up turning on him, they also generally have programming buried deep inside that aids in his eventual return.

We know very little about the Vision in Avengers: Age of Ultron, as he’s the one character Marvel has been keeping under wraps. The synthezoid didn’t appear in the first teaser trailer, and we haven’t seen photos of him either. All we really know is that he’s being played by Paul Bettany and that he could be Tony Stark’s AI butler J.A.R.V.I.S. given physical form — a logical guess since Bettany has voiced J.A.R.V.I.S. in previous Marvel films.

Given Ultron’s print history, it’s safe to assume that Vision could be made by Ultron to help him battle the Avengers before deciding to join the heroes in defeating him instead. It would certainly be true to the comics if that’s what ends up happening.