Writers: Brian Azzarello, Keith Giffen, Dan Jurgens, Jeff Lemire
Artists: Scott Eaton, Scott Hanna, Drew Geraci, Hi-Fi, Ryan Sook
Futures End #25 Recap
In deep space, at the Carrier, Engineer attempts to reboot the ship’s systems. Unable to access a crucial bleed drive, Engineer initiates a jump into another universe. At Fifty Sue’s secret bunker on Cadmus Island, Fifty Sue reveals her plans to the team — storm the compound with brute force. In Africa, Constantine offers to take Superman to one of seven ancient portals that will lead to Brainiac. At Columbia University, Dr. Yamazake is revealed to have been spying on both Ronnie Raymond and Jason Rusch. Already paranoid about the Justice League, Yamazake now thinks every superhero is trying to stop his progress.
Spoiler-Free Reaction
Futures End #26 is a wrap-up of multiple plots and helps set the stage for a new chapter in Futures End. Although the dialogue can be awkward at times, the story is straightforward and moves events along.
Plot Details and Spoilers and Deaths: Oh My!
New York City: In a planned meeting with Bruce, Mr. Terrific tries to initiate a confrontation about the stealing of his uSpheres. However, Bruce is completely unaware of the matter and leaves with his date.
Columbia University: Dr. Yamazake confronts Jason Rusch, but stops short of disclosing the knowledge of Jason and Ronnie Raymond being Firestorm. As the conversation escalates, Yamazake terminates Jason and has him escorted out. At that moment, Jason receives an anonymous text. Madison Payne later comes by the lab looking for Jason. Finding out her identity when Madison reveals her name (the fact that Maxwell Payne sold weapons to the enemy during the war), Yamazake renders Madison unconscious and prepares to use her as his test subject.
At an Undisclosed Location: Terry McGinnis explains to Plastique that they will require the aid of Tim Drake — Red Robin. Because of Plastique’s hesitance in using only one man as a resource, Terry explains to her that they are unable to use anyone who actually still exists in the future. By using someone who will be dead, future events won’t be compromised.
Cadmus Island: In a conversation with Brother Eye, Fifty Sue learns that Deathstroke is playing both sides and allying himself with Brother Eye. In the forest, Cole learns something about Lana Lang that ends up disturbing him — she has affections for Deathstroke.
New York City: Jason shows up at Central Park and finds Ronnie waiting for him — both received the same text thinking the other sent it. In mid-argument, the two find Batman perched above them. Batman sent them the text so that the two can finally settle their differences in a meeting. As Jason continues to resist becoming Firestorm, Batman reveals that Green Arrow is alive and well. After admonishing the two for their petty argument, Batman leaves.
Wrapping It Up
Futures End #26 didn’t exhibit impressive storytelling, but it was adequate and pushed things along at an even pace. One of my biggest gripes for this issue was the dialogue’s awkwardness. For example, the panels that involved Jason being escorted out had a lot of externalized monologue. I found it strange how anyone would just speak their thoughts out loud. One thing I’m actually happy about is the Ronnie and Jason plotline, which ends their juvenile drama. This argument has been going on for over half of Futures End‘s run, which is too long. I’m hoping that the second half of this series will be much more action-oriented as we go into Superman’s battle with Brainiac.