How Could Spider-Man Work in a Civil War Movie?!


Hello fellow Web-heads! I’m sorry for the absence, here I am once more! Basically I’ve recently been asked to take apart a possible Civil War movie (Captain America 3, maybe!?), and see how Spidey himself can work and not work in it.

This is my most favorite Arc of any Marvel event in the history of ever (although Spider-Verse seems to be a more than worthy contender). Granted I haven’t ever read the actual event so this is coming from a fan who knows the story, but hasn’t actually witnessed it. Some of you might disagree that this makes it impossible to be a fan, but I happen to see this as the opposite. You wont get any pro or con responses you’ll just get my unaltered opinion.  I hope this works with everyone.

So a quick rundown of the Civil War event: The US Government has enforced a new law that is called ‘The Superhuman Registration Act’ – basically asking all superheros of our universe (Marvel’s 616 universe) to work with the government and basically announce to the world who they are under their masks, and then pledge themselves to doing missions similar to Spec Ops for the Government. Naturally you get a very clear divide in mindsets. One side is completely for anything the government asks – The other side wants to rebel against the government and do their own thing. Iron Man and Captain America are the leaders of both sides.  Iron Man is for the act, and Cap. America is against it. Spider-Man is kind of the middle ground between the two.

That’s the general idea of it all, and with Captain America 3 being called: Captain America: Civil War, one has a natural response to relate the two together. It also has the internet going cuckoo for cocopuffs, because this a Marvel movie pure and simple. But since Spider-Man is a key player in this and Sony has his movie rights, could Spider-Man be a key player? Could Marvel finally get what many consider to be their biggest and brightest supporter in one of their movies? If so could he become an Avenger as he is in the comics?!

Questions and Questions, no answers to this giant riddle (I love to write poems in my spare time so forgive me for that), but in all honesty how could this work or not work?

Well, it could work because it’s Marvel’s Creation, Marvel’s baby, technically I’d say Marvel could fight to have him in his movies, (I love the Amazing Spider-Man series, but I honestly feel Marvel would make a far better Spider-Man movie…). You could have a jointed rights kind of agreement.

You could definitely see him in a Civil War movie, because when it comes down to it. Spider-Man basically was the key player in the comic arc. He was basically the realm of peace. With constant wars and fighting among Heroes, you could actually sit there and look to Spider-Man as a source of clarity and calm in the heart of battle. In that aspect I feel Spider-Man is the biggest pawn in the Civil War storyline. It wasn’t about them fighting, it was about the choices made, and how everything people do affects everyone else around you, in a negative, or positive way. I feel Civil War was more so about choices, than the actual Iron Man vs Captain America.

But at the same time I’m not sure you’d want Spidey in the Civil War movie because you’d probably have fans of all sorts backlashing against the studios involved. Because one of the key problems with Civil War and the choices it brings is that Peter as Spider-Man is among a crowd of reporters and he pulls off his mask and reveals one shocking quote: “My Name is Peter Parker, and I’ve Been Spider-Man since I was about 15.” This frustrated many Spider-Fans after years upon years of hiding his true identity going to waste. Also Because of this Aunt May dies. and is brought back at the cost of his future Daughter, and his marriage to Mary Jane (Check out, Back in Black, and Brand New Day for more on this.)

Because one of the key problems with Civil War and the choices it brings is that Peter as Spider-Man is among a crowd of reporters and he pulls off his mask and reveals one shocking quote: My Name is Peter Parker, and I’ve Been Spider-Man since I was about 15.”

– Who wants to see a spider-man movie in which the world knows him and his enemies know him, and because of this his life is completely turned upside down again.

It’d be interesting but is it worth it? I’d also see this being a problem as stated before legally, because of various reasons with rights and stuff. It could go any which way legally, but if you can’t get Spider-Man in Civil War’s Movie, then there’s no point in having a Civil War movie.

I could go on for days upon days, but I’ll cut this off right here, I don’t mean to write so much but once I start I cannot stop!!

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