Death of Wolverine: Deadpool and Captain America Review–Is This How Logan Returns to Life?

As the Death of Wolverine storyline now continues following  Logan’s death, we see heroes and friends that Logan knew and worked with come to grips with his passing.  In this Death of Wolverine tie-in, we see a team-up between Captain America and Deadpool (with a cameo by Black Widow), on a mission to preserve Logan’s legacy and uniqueness.

Death of Wolverine–Deadpool and Captain America Title Page-As Read by Deadpool

This book is written by long-time Deadpool writer Gerry Duggan, who has ‘Pool’s comic timing and zaniness down pat.  His characterization of Steve “Captain America” Rogers is also spot-on.  The dialogue between these two heroes (both born of super-soldier programs, as mentioned in the book), is pretty good and fits both personalities and the situations that they find themselves in as they take on the bad guys.

Death of Wolverine–Deadpool and Captain America-How Logan Dies

The basic story, (without going into major spoiler territory), is that now that Wolverine is dead, his DNA must be eliminated from all items in Avengers Mansion, which is where our story opens.  Logan’s possessions are being destroyed to keep any trace DNA from falling into the hands of various evil mad scientists and being cloned into a new Wolverine.  We see some toilet humor from Deadpool (And that is meant in the most literal sense–oops, we dropped a messy spoiler there…), and some serious talk from the now-aged Steve Rogers.  This story takes place after Steve Rogers has lost the super-soldier serum in his system and he is now an old man.  But as the action and meaning in this story shows, he is still Captain America at heart.  Acting on a tip from Black Widow, Cap and Deadpool go to Moscow to recover a knife that has Logan’s DNA.  The knife has been sold to A.I.M. (the aforementioned evil mad scientists), and Deadpool and Cap must recover it.

The action is about what we would expect, except that with Cap along, Deadpool can’t cap anyone in the terminal sense. Their dialogue is full of quips and pop culture references (from Deadpool), and, in a riff off of the recent Marvel Studios movies featuring Captain America, we see Steve Rogers making comments like “Oh, I get that reference–I finally saw Star Wars.”  Again, Duggan writes these two characters perfectly!

Death of Wolverine: Captain America and Deadpool Team-Up

The art is by Scott Kolins, whose portrayal of an aged Captain America (in civilian clothes, not the traditional Cap outfit, also sans shield), is clearly taken off of current imagery of Clint Eastwood.  If there were to be a movie about the old man Steve Rogers, Eastwood would be perfect.  Anyway, we see some good visuals of Cap and Deadpool taking on the A.I.M. bad guys, and winning the day.

This Death of Wolverine story ends with Deadpool in a moral quandary, with the story clearly to continue.  Aside from the fun stuff like the Deadpool/Cap interaction, or Cap constantly reminding Deadpool to not kill anyone, the heart of this story is really to see how Wolverine mattered to them.  There are some touching scenes where Rogers and Deadpool reminisce about their past with Logan.  If you are a fan of Captain America or Deadpool, or you just want to see more tie-ins to fill out the Death of Wolverine story arc, this is a good book to buy and read.  And, we suspect that Logan’s DNA may be a key to his future…if Marvel is bringing him back.

What do you think?  Will Wolverine rise from the dead?  And will this storyline with his DNA have anything to do with Logan returning to life?