Superman Unchained Recap: Issues 1-8

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#3 Answered Prayers (8/14/13)

The third issue starts with the showdown between the unknown superhuman and Superman. Superman is at a clear disadvantage here, being tossed around like a rag doll. Eventually the superhuman convinces Superman to stop fighting

in exchange for the answers he seeks. General Lane and Wraith, the superhuman, show superman “the Machin,e” which is a research facility that has been dedicated to understanding Wraith and the technology he brought with him when he crashed on Earth so many years age.

While this is happening, Lois Lane’s plane crashes into the ocean, and she and the crew struggle to escape.

A mysterious man using some sort of crystal saves Lois and the crew from a watery grave. Wraith and Superman are then sent to Tokyo by General Lane to stop a terrorist attack by Ascension. We learn that Wraith is fond of Superman and is excited to fight by his side. After admitting this, Wraith claims that he will soon have to kill Superman. The issue closes in Metropolis, where Lex Luthor captures Jimmy Olsen for reasons unknown.