Superman Unchained Recap: Issues 1-8

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#5 A Place Between (12/31/13)

Issue five starts with Wraith and Superman searching for Lois Lane. Meanwhile, Lois is being held captive by

Ascension as they explain their plan to nuke the entire world in an attempt to restart humanity. Superman and Wraith are unable to pinpoint Lois’ location, so in an attempt to hasten the process, Superman takes Wraith to the Fortress of Solitude.

While in the fortress, Wraith lectures Superman on how he should stay loyal to America and its government and forget his stance on peace and global safety. After his lecture, Wraith threatens to neutralize Superman and admits that discovering the Fortress of Solitude was all part of General Lane’s plan. Before he has the chance to shoot Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman notify them that Ascension has just launched every nuclear missile on the planet. Talk about a cliffhanger!