5 People Batman Has Definitely Killed In The Arkham Series


One of the defining moral characteristics of Batman is that he supposedly doesn’t kill. You know, except when he has no other choice. Or maybe if he’s just really had a bad day. Or if it’s a Tuesday. The important thing is most of the time he prefers not to kill dudes, but there’s an increasing mountain of evidence that if it really suits his motivations, Batman will totally kill somebody.

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As this video of the Arkham video game series by the guys at Outside Xbox proves, there are at least 5 times in the Arkham games where Batman has most definitely killed someone. As they also point out, at the very least in the Arkham games, Batman has absolutely no issue with breaking various bones of random thugs and leaving them crippled in the streets far from any medical help. Are they alive when he leaves? Sure, but odds are they won’t last long. Check out the video below for a few he no question has killed in the Arkham games and hope you are having a great thanksgiving weekend!

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