Five Lame Villains We Don’t Need To See On The Flash

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3. Colonel Computron

The fact that this guy isn’t higher on the list just tells you what kind of horrors still await. The good Colonel turned to a life of crime he was upset that he was cheated out of royalty money for inventing a toy company’s number one selling product. To get some payback, he devised a costume to look exactly like that product, and thus, Colonel Computron was born. When Flash stuck his nose into this sordid tale of toy company intrigue, Computron responded by trapping the Scarlet Speedster inside a video game. Spoiler: he got out.

This combination of bizarre gimmick, unusual motivation and silly costume sure seems like it came straight out of the Silver Age, but there weren’t too many (read: any) video games back then, so the Bronze Age has to accept responsibility for this one. I’m not sure we deserve to see Flash battling a guy dressed like an 80s action figure. Scratch that — I’m sure we don’t.

This also makes me think that villains shouldn’t be able to give themselves a name with a rank. There’s zero chance that Cisco Ramon would dignify this particular bad guy by calling him “Captain,” and Computron sounds like a retail chain from 30 years ago. Let’s just agree to leave this guy out of the show.

Next: Spin. man, spin!