Spider-Man Unlimited: Why Don’t Legendaries Have Legendary Abilities?


Every game that has items is bound to share a concept: rarity. This is especially important in “gacha” type games, where you spend some finite currency to “roll” or use some kind of portal or machine to get a new character/card/whatever the game uses. Spider-Man Unlimited falls squarely into this game type – though I find that there is one thing it seems to lack. Legendaries (the highest rarity in the game marked by a gold border) that have legendary abilities.

For those who do not play the game, or a quick refresher for those who do, each Spider-(Wo)Man in the the game that is of a blue rarity or above (black – green – blue – purple- gold) has two abilities. These range from increasing each combo hit or near miss you get during a run by one, to increasing the amount of vials an enemy drops by 30%. We’re going to take a look at some of these.

A quick backstory on my account – I have almost every character in the game. I’m ranked roughly 100 but I can definitely be higher – the reason for my rank is that I purposely kill my unlimited runs at around 5 mil points to fall in the 100-999 bracket whose prize is 50 Iso (the game’s currency), for I cannot reach the top 10 with the abundance of hackers and I usually have no need for the 10-99 prize. I have ranked 1st place in almost every single event that’s been in the game. And yes, I in-apped purchased two times (for a total of 9 dollars). All pictures in this article are from my account. Okay, now that that’s out of the way, let’s begin our analyses.

Best Cards:

Scarlet Spider-Man: This guy right here is easily my favorite card, and is arguably the best character in the game. He has the +1 to combo attacks ability, which I guarantee is a staple for any character to be the best competitively, as well as the +30% bonus score from combo counters (this means that every hit gives 130 points rather than 100). Thus far, he is the only card in the game to have this ability combination, and remains one of the few epic cards to not have his powers reproduced by a legendary – though I am predicting/hoping that the probably legendary Symbiote Suit, or Miles Morales will have this power combo as well.)

Bulletproof Spider-Man: With +1 to combos and +1 to near misses, this Spider-Man is a combo fiend whose abilities make some players elect him as the most powerful card in the game. He too doesn’t have a Legendary counterpart though I hope it comes soon as well. I think Scarlet edges him out in terms of scoring capability, but he is a strong contender and usually fits 2nd or 3rd in my lineup.


Superior Spider-Man(s): First of the legendaries are the two Superior Spider-Mans. Classic Superior Spider-Man has the abilities of 30% bonus score from collecting vials, and 30% more vials from enemies -while this is alright for stacking vials, it’s not great for scoring. The other Superior Spider-Man (shown here on the right) has +1 to combo attacks, and combo counter lasts 4 seconds longer. This is a decent ability, one that would cause me to rate him one of the best legendaries thus far. Still, these two aren’t near the power levels of the aforementioned epics. Having a longer combo counter helps in maintaining a combo, but any ability that increases combos or adds to combo score beats a longer timer if one can hold a streak without it.

Spider-Gwen: Everyone’s favorite new Spider-Gal shouldn’t be a favorite in the game for competitive play. Her abilities are 30% bonus score from combo counters, which is always good, unless it is followed by +1 to combos from shield bombs. I have to say that +1 to shield bombs seems like the weakest ability in the game considering +1 to attacks does the exact same thing and more.

Big Time Spider-Man (Stealth): Before the update, his abilities were bugged to +1 to combos, and 30% extra vials from enemies. This put him in the weak category most legendaries are in; however, after the update, he has regained his intended abilities of +1 to combos and 40% from defeating a boss. This skill set, shared only with the Cosmic Spider-Man, elevates this Spider-Man as the best Legendary released so far. At high multipliers, 40% more score from a boss leads to a spider-ton of points. Out of all the legendaries, I say that this guy is the only one to deserve the title.

While there are more Legendaries in the game, and two more on the way with current events, none of them are the caliber of the two best epic cards in the game. Hopefully there will be more Legendaries that will bring more to the table than a higher multiplier, but either way, I’ll just keep on collecting them all! Is there any legendary you like? Or any ability combo you hope to see? If so, leave a comment below! And as always, keep on running!

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