BSP Round Table: Breaking Down The 50 Greatest Super Heroes

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Q: After seeing the final list, is there anyone you regret not voting higher?

SteveI don’t think I would’ve changed my ranking, but there was someone on my list that was missing from the final list. And if moving him up higher would’ve given him more of a chance to be on the final list, I would’ve gladly done that.  The character I’m talking about is Iceman. My incliniation to list him may be due to my affinity for the animated series Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends — a show I watched when I was growing up, which also really dates me. Aside from that, Iceman is also a very powerful character and has had interesting changes throughout the years.

AdamDeadpool. Five years from now he will be a top 15 super hero. My biggest regret, though, is not voting higher for the Punisher. He really needed to be on this list, given his overall historical impact. I had him last, at 30. Was annoyed to see Spawn — who always felt like a marketing gimmick — make the cut and Punisher not. If we are penalizing characters for bad movies, let’s be fair here.

RogerDaredevil did not make my list, but in retrospect, he should have been there. Also, I did vote for Bucky/Winter Soldier at #21, and since he did not make the list (boo!) I wish I had voted him higher. I voted for him mostly because of the recent movie, but also because “Dead Bucky” had such an impact on Cap’s character after Cap joined the Avengers.

Matt: I regret putting Spider-Woman too low.

Q: How about someone you regret leaving off your personal list entirely?

AmandaI left Wonder Woman off my list, and I do regret it. Although she was given a decent slot on the final list I wish I had voted for her, because as the number one most recognizable female super hero, she deserved my support. I think Eric Chrisman, the editor of Caped Crusades, was surprised I left her off since she and Batman featured so heavily in the theme of our wedding reception.

Daniel: In hindsight, I would have liked to have voted for Star Lord, Groot or Rocket Raccoon, as none of them made my personal list, but I couldn’t decide on which one and didn’t want to include them all. Given the success of the film, I would have expected any of the Guardians of the Galaxy cast to make the final list, but none of them did — and perhaps that’s why!

Matt: Jean Grey. As soon as I hit send, I realized I had gotten two of the original X-Men but left off my favorite.

SteveI kind of regret not having Hellboy on my list.  I enjoyed the movies and definitely believe that they gave Hellboy — excuse the pun — one hell of boost in exposure.  In hindsight, I definitely believe that I made a misstep in not including him in my ranking.

Next: What about Cyclops?