BSP Round Table: Breaking Down The 50 Greatest Super Heroes
By Nick Tylwalk
Q: After seeing the final list, is there anyone you regret not voting higher?
Steve: I don’t think I would’ve changed my ranking, but there was someone on my list that was missing from the final list. And if moving him up higher would’ve given him more of a chance to be on the final list, I would’ve gladly done that. The character I’m talking about is Iceman. My incliniation to list him may be due to my affinity for the animated series Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends — a show I watched when I was growing up, which also really dates me. Aside from that, Iceman is also a very powerful character and has had interesting changes throughout the years.
Adam: Deadpool. Five years from now he will be a top 15 super hero. My biggest regret, though, is not voting higher for the Punisher. He really needed to be on this list, given his overall historical impact. I had him last, at 30. Was annoyed to see Spawn — who always felt like a marketing gimmick — make the cut and Punisher not. If we are penalizing characters for bad movies, let’s be fair here.
Roger: Daredevil did not make my list, but in retrospect, he should have been there. Also, I did vote for Bucky/Winter Soldier at #21, and since he did not make the list (boo!) I wish I had voted him higher. I voted for him mostly because of the recent movie, but also because “Dead Bucky” had such an impact on Cap’s character after Cap joined the Avengers.
Matt: I regret putting Spider-Woman too low.
Q: How about someone you regret leaving off your personal list entirely?
Amanda: I left Wonder Woman off my list, and I do regret it. Although she was given a decent slot on the final list I wish I had voted for her, because as the number one most recognizable female super hero, she deserved my support. I think Eric Chrisman, the editor of Caped Crusades, was surprised I left her off since she and Batman featured so heavily in the theme of our wedding reception.
Daniel: In hindsight, I would have liked to have voted for Star Lord, Groot or Rocket Raccoon, as none of them made my personal list, but I couldn’t decide on which one and didn’t want to include them all. Given the success of the film, I would have expected any of the Guardians of the Galaxy cast to make the final list, but none of them did — and perhaps that’s why!
Matt: Jean Grey. As soon as I hit send, I realized I had gotten two of the original X-Men but left off my favorite.
Steve: I kind of regret not having Hellboy on my list. I enjoyed the movies and definitely believe that they gave Hellboy — excuse the pun — one hell of boost in exposure. In hindsight, I definitely believe that I made a misstep in not including him in my ranking.
Next: What about Cyclops?