Batman 75 Year in Review: Jason Momoa is Aquaman

Batman’s 75th Anniversary draws to a close, so we here at Caped Crusades intend to fill these twilight days talking about the year that was. A lot of big Batman moments happened this year, so let’s review them as many as we can before our year-end countdown.

First we thought he was, then he laughed it off. Then it was ‘leaked’ that he was, but the script was fake. Then he denied it. Then it was true. Jason Momoa is Aquaman in Batman v Superman.

Before it was announced, Zack Snyder actually called into a Detroit area radio show to rebuke DJ’s who were poking fun at the King of Atlantis.

"The cool thing with Aquaman is he has his trident. You have to realize that could cut the flesh of Superman if they came in contact. That’s a thing that’s in the canon. He’s super strong because, of course, he can exist at these super deep depths. So when he comes up here, he’s crazy strong. Anyway, not to say he’s in my movie or anything like that, but he has the potential to be bad ass, that’s all I’m saying."

Finally, it came out that it he was, in fact, Aquaman and he’d play the role in up to 4 DC films. They wanted to go in a new direction with the character, aesthetically, drawing from the look of the Pacific islands and their native people. After all, there’s no real reason to make him a blue eyed, blond, white guy, so why not look vaguely Samoan?

This was the biggest indicator that DC was pushing all its chips toward the center of the table on a Justice League film. They didn’t have time to do things the Marvel way and still keep pace. The only thing they could do it introduce as many characters as they could as quickly as they could. Let’s just hope they don’t sacrifice quality for quantity.

Momoa’s solo Aquaman film should hit screens in 2018 and he is more than likely to appear in both planned Justice League films. Beyond that, it isn’t certain. Suicide Squad is a possibility, but we probably won’t know until the film itself comes out.

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