The New 52: Futures End #35 Review


Writers: Brian Azzarello, Keith Giffen, Dan Jurgens, Jeff Lemire

Artists: Jesus Merino, Stephen Thompson, Dan Green, Hi-Fi, Ryan Sook

Futures End #34 Recap

At Columbia University, Firestorm faces off with Doctor Polaris.  Still not accustomed to her new powers, Firestorm’s attempts at fighting end with some odd results.  On the Ant Farm in Earth’s Orbit, the Atom removes the Father Time symbiote, which causes Father Time’s host body to fall apart and liquify.  Frankenstein is then shot by a S.H.A.D.E. soldier and critically wounded.  In Las Vegas, Mercy learns that Grifter is alive and well.  In a meeting, General Rock reveals plans to use Fifty Sue, Lana Lang, and Grifter to retrieve the lost DNA vault.  Back in New York City, as A.L.F.R.E.D. alerts Batman Beyond that Brother Eye may still be functioning, Batman hacks into A.L.F.R.E.D. and shuts him down.  Thirty-five years in the future, Brother Eye sends the hybrid Batman/Joker cyborg back in time to correct any timeline “mistakes.”  Upon arriving in the present, Plastique is intercepted by the cyborg.

Spoiler-Free Reaction

Futures End #35 is an action-packed issue that has some strange moments of forced emotion.

Plot Details and Spoilers and Deaths: Oh My!

New York City: As Firestorm emerges from the giant teddy bear, she’s attacked by Doctor Polaris.  Their fight draws the attention of Tim Drake.  As Doctor Polaris launches a piece of shrapnel through Firestorm, Tim goes on the offensive.  No match for the more powerful Doctor Polaris, Tim is quickly overpowered.  Firestorm comes in for the rescue and uses her powers to blow apart Doctor Polaris’s armor.

Las Vegas, Nevada: Lana Lang has reached her breaking point, which makes her fearless against Fifty-Sue’s threats.  Arguing with Fifty Sue and letting her own motherly instincts take over, Lana gives Fifty Sue an ultimatum — follow her orders or force Fifty Sue to kill her.  Speechless, Fifty Sue starts to listen to her, and Lana gives Fifty Sue the new name of “Susan Lang.”  The two then share an awkward mother-daughter bonding moment.

Ant Farm, Earth Orbit: As Frankenstein lay dying, the Atom theorizes that the original replacement of Frankenstein’s arm with that of Hawkman’s may have contributed to the current situation.  Hawkman’s Nth metal may have detected Frankenstein’s condition of being undead as a disease.  Even though Father Time has the ability, he refuses to help.  Other S.H.A.D.E. members, who were working with Father Time under duress, have tried their best to come to Frankenstein’s aid.  With no options left, Amethyst makes the decision to take Frankenstein to Earth — if science is unable to help him, she hopes magic will.

New York City: As Plastique is pursued by the hybrid Batman/Joker cyborg, Batman Beyond flies in and rescues her.  In an impromptu moment, Batman Beyond and Plastique kiss.  Suddenly, Batman makes a surprise appearance and starts to fight the cyborg.  When the cyborg overpowers Batman, the Batman half of the cyborg suggests to the Joker half that the present-day Batman should be killed — if Batman from the past no longer exists, then this cyborg will cease to exist also.

Wrapping It Up

With two separate fight sequences, Futures End #35 could’ve been a very streamlined action-packed issue, but there were some strange moments of forced emotion.  Moment one: Lana Lang becoming a sobbing mess and treating Fifty-Sue like she was her daughter.  All I can say is “at least it worked for Lana’s situation.”  Moment two: the strange kiss that Batman Beyond and Plastique shared during a life-and-death situation.  I understand that they’ve been through some slight emotional roller coasters, but does it always have to end with two characters finding out that they’ve fallen in love?  I found that to be rather cheesy and clichéd.  Aside from those two out-of-place situations, this issue was entertaining.  I will make one prediction for #36 before I sign off.  Since the Firestorm versus Doctor Polaris fight and Batman versus the hybrid Batman/Joker cyborg fight are both taking in New York City, I have a feeling that they’ll be combined into one large battle.  Here’s hoping for some amped up excitement.