Gotham: Details on ‘The Blind Fortune Teller’

Gotham just came back from hiatus with episode 11, “Rogue’s Gallery”. But we already have some idea of what is going down in Episode 16, “The Blind Fortune Teller”, which introduces us to The “Flying Graysons”, thanks to some behind-the-scenes photos that were taken. Most of what we gathered there was based on speculation form the photos though. Now, thanks to, we also have some actual concrete details on what goes on in “The Blind Fortune Teller”.

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"A fight breaks out between clowns and trapeze artists.Detective James Gordon meets Dr. Leslie Thompkins at Haly’s circus.Mary Lloyd, daughter of a clown is in love with John Grayson, son of a trapeze artist.Dr. Leslie Thompkins checks out the injured circus folk.Detective James Gordon questions the ringmaster and an evil clown.Someone’s rumored to be murdered at the circus, according to those on set"

So it’s definitely a date between Gordon & Thompkins at Haly’s Circus. Not that surprising as Leslie Thompkins has been confirmed as a love interest for Gordon long before she even appeared on the show. There has been some speculation that the “evil clown” is in fact The Joker or at least a possible Joker as it has been teased that we would see potential Jokers throughout the series, but odds are this is just some random circus clown. It’s pretty obvious Marly Lloyd & John Grayson are the future parents of a certain Dick Grayson.

Seeing as episode 11 just aired and “The Blind Fortune Teller” episode 16, we won’t see the episode until at least mid-February (and that’s assuming the show doesn’t take a random week off here and there like it is this week) but until then, keep watching Gotham on Fox to see the events leading up to the episode that gets us a glimpse of The Flying Graysons.

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