41 Greatest Moments In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

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28. The Avengers – Black Widow puts one over on Loki

Black Widow had a few moments to shine in Iron Man 2, but with how bulky that movie was in trying to set up the next few MCU movies, she was otherwise lost, relegated to changing outfits in back seats, kicking butt in a few hallways, and having ridiculously unrealistic curly hair.

The Avengers gives her so much more to do. While the scene with Natasha Romanoff attempting to recruit Bruce Banner shows a more subtle approach to her skills, it’s not until she faces off with Tom Hiddleston’s Loki when we see her deceptive tactics in full. It’s a very pivotal scene, revealing Loki’s greater plan.

We are given a taste of Black Widow’s backstory, what she did before SHIELD recruited her, and her relationship with Hawkeye. Loki immediately turns her confession on its head, snapping and becoming something darker and more twisted than anything we’ve seen before. The cinematography builds on this as well, focusing solely on Black Widow’s trembling expression with a reflection of Loki trapped in his cage.

Black Widow plays off Loki, too, turning his dark, intimate strategies back on him and playing him for all he’s worth. It’s one of the only times we see Loki flustered and confused, his own tactics useless as he is outplayed by a dull human.

(Write-up by Christina Roberts, Bam Smack Pow staff writer)

Next: No. 27: A voice from beyond the grave