Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD Brainstorm Session – “One Door Closes”


Still reeling from this week’s Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD episode, how much fun can I have in this week’s brainstorm session? Don’t worry, I tried to keep myself in check, though I think my “Fun Theory” gets a little out there.

Overarching Questions

1. Where is everyone now?

This is more to keep us all straight on the goings-on in the show:

Skye – Off with Gordon
Bobbi – Out at Banner’s cabin, probably heading back to SHIELD HQ
May, FitzSimmons – With “real” SHIELD at SHIELD HQ, along with Mack
Coulson, Hunter – Some tropical place ready to take over the “real” SHIELD

2. Will SHIELD and “real” SHIELD reconcile their differences?

This will probably be the last story arc of the season, so you know it’s not going to get resolved within the next episode or two. Which means it will fall into place before and after Age of Ultron.

So basically: No, they will not reconcile their differences. What would be neat is to see Coulson and Gonzales working in tandem in SHIELD, but with the animosity between them (plus Coulson’s on the run now), that probably won’t happen. Until Nick Fury or another Avenger shows up to set the record straight, these two sides will never reconcile.

I have to wonder if, after Age of Ultron or perhaps even before, the “real” SHIELD breaks off to create SWORD, the Sentient World Observation and Response Department. They seem so concerned with aliens anyway, why the heck not? Or they could make SWORD stand for something else, because I feel as though SWORD was mentioned in a tiny easter egg somewhere in Thor with Selvig…

3. Will Skye run into her father at the Inhuman HQ?

We still don’t know what happened with Cal a few episodes back when it seemed as though Gordon sent him off to some sort of Inhumans tribunal. Even if he’s been kicked out, when he finds out Gordon brought Skye there, he’s going to battle hard to get back in or break her out.

Skye and Cal will meet again, perhaps after Gordon has given her support and trained her how to use her powers when she feels like maybe it’s time to return to Coulson to see how things fare. Because I can’t imagine they will let Cal hang around their HQ for much longer.

4. How awesome is Hunter?

Answer: Very awesome. That post-credits stinger with Coulson made me really happy. Even the fiancee thought it was fantastic. I know it’s not an overarching question; I just really wanted to talk about the awesomeness of that last scene. And if anyone is curious, Hunter signed his name on that napkin–no hidden messages, just confirmation that he’s on Coulson’s side.

Weekly Avengers Cameo

Nick Fury. Just…Nick Fury. All he has to do is show up at SHIELD HQ, splutter out some ridiculous lines that are pure Samuel L. Jackson, and set this whole “real SHIELD” stuff to rest. Because one side knows he’s alive and the other side doesn’t and think they know better. Heck, maybe they do. Maybe living in the shadows and keeping secrets is the wrong thing to do and maybe the “real” SHIELD is onto something.

But have Nick Fury show up and tell everyone straight. That’s all it takes.

Fun Theory I’m Making Up Right Now

Gonzales made a comment about Coulson potentially being a beacon for some alien life force (hence my thoughts about SWORD).

Something happens in the next episode or two that triggers some sort of signal from Coulson, radiating out to the rest of the galaxy, which Yondu and his Ravagers pick up. They follow the signal to see what all the commotion is about and if it can’t lead them to one of those weird Obelisks they’ve heard so much about–they could get a pretty penny from the right buyer. Meanwhile, Star-Lord and crew follow the signal as well, Quill wondering if it doesn’t have something to do with his father since he now knows he’s only half-human.

Come on, they’re not going the J’Son of Spartax route for Guardians of the Galaxy 2, so Quill could be trying to track down who/what his father may have been. And if it brings him back to Earth, he may come back a little too eagerly.

Weekly Webisode Idea

“How Many Umbrellas Is Too Many?”

Coulson and Hunter hop from tropical bar to tropical bar, ordering the frilliest, fruitiest drinks imaginable to see how many umbrellas come in each drink and rate the drinks on the amount of umbrellas.

Forget how it tastes, it’s the umbrella that makes the drinks!

I’m never going to get my Hawkeye cameo, am I? My new bet is that it will be the episode before Age of Ultron, so the April 28th episode in three and a half weeks. Can I wait that long? Maybe. No promises.

Agents of SHIELD is back in action next week. What will it bring? Maybe more Ward and Agent 33? Maybe more Cal and the Inhumans? In fact, I’m pretty sure the latter is correct. I want to see Skye’s powers in action again!