Hugh Jackman Returns To X-Men: Apocalypse Set For Reshoots

You know what’s good? Wolverine. You know what’s better? More Wolverine. If you are like me, and can’t get enough of the gruff X-Men member, then you might just be in luck. Cross your fingers before reading on.

Big news has come from Canadian site Le Journal de Montreal on two different fronts. First, they reported that the makers of X-Men: Apocalypse are planning a return to Montreal in January for reshoots. The film is set for a May 27, 2016 release, and is highly anticipated.

It’s not unusual for a film like this to go back and refine and add scenes with reshoots, and when you figure in CGI work, there are times where a film isn’t truly “finished” until just days before the release.

However, the return isn’t the really big part of the news. That comes in the form of speculation that star Hugh Jackman will be on hand in some capacity. It’s all conjecture at this point as to what his role will be, but we can all think in terms of best-case scenario.

Director Bryan Singer (X-Men: Days of Future Past) understands that this has to be the blockbuster to compete with the Marvel Cinematic Universe films. The addition of a villain like Apocalypse is their counter to Thanos in the MCU films.

The film itself is based on a script written by Simon Kinberg, who wrote the original script for the Fantastic Four reboot. If you have read it, you understand that Kinberg has a tremendous imagination and a flare for creating a great comic book story.

What does that mean for Jackman and his Wolverine character? Perhaps nothing. Jackman could be there strictly for technical advice and to help offer some nuance to the reshoots. However, as a comic book geek, I am hoping that Singer has decided that with the introduction of all this new X-Men continuity, more of what fans already love will ease that transition. A boy can dream.