Batman v Superman Technical Manual Coming In March


A technical manual about all the costumes, weapons & gadgetry in Batman v Superman is releasing alongside the film

Batman v Superman will certainly feature a lot of cool tech, because Batman loves his gadgets. But will it require a tech manual to understand it all? Well whether it really does or not, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Tech Manual is releasing right along the biggest DC comic book movie of 2016.

Just what is contained in the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Tech Manual, you ask? Well here’s an official description:

"Batman’s tech has been reimagined and reinvigorated in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, the new blockbuster from director Zack Snyder releasing in March 2016. This book takes an exclusive, in-depth look at Batman’s arsenal, vehicles, Batsuits, and the iconic Batcave. The new Batmobile design is explored from first concept sketch, through detailed blueprints, all the way to the physical construction of the vehicle itself.Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Tech Manual is a definitive guide to the weaponry and props created for the movie. It closely examines the Utility Belt, the Batwing, grappling hook and batarang. Everything in the Batcave is explored down to the construction of the set and the graphics from Bruce Wayne’s mainframe. This official volume also goes deeper in to the world of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, showcasing Superman’s Kryptonian suit and Wonder Woman’s iconic weaponry.The official companion book to the new movie, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Tech Manual, features interviews with concept artists, the film’s weapon’s master, the mechanic for the Batmobile, and Zack Snyder himself."

The Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Tech Manual will release on March 22nd, just three days before the movie opens in theaters, and will retail for $39.95.Not a bad price for this type of book if I do say so myself.

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It’s interesting that it’s not just about Batman’s extensive gadgetry, but also devotes some space to Superman’s suit and Wonder Woman’s gear as well. Will it provide any interesting insight into these items that we won’t get from seeing the movie? Either way, it should be a pretty good gift idea for any Batman v Superman superfans.

h/t CBM